Chanukah Celebrations

Keeping Connected    December 2024 

While the days are becoming shorter and the weather is getting colder, as Jews, we have the opportunity to be optimistic about the season. Our optimism comes from the chance to celebrate the warmth of the lights of Chanukah and think about how our ancestors were able to overcome great odds, regain their identity and rededicate the temple. I am also looking forward to the warmth from one of my favorite foods this season, latkes! The smell of potatoes frying and the taste of latkes always brings back memories of childhood Chanukah celebrations. Cleaning up after cooking the latkes however, is not my favorite! You definitely do not want to see our kitchen after I have been cooking!

I would also like to discuss what is going on at the temple this season. Food is an important part of Congregation Shalom activities and thanks to a number of donations we will have new refrigerators! Thank you to all those people who donated funds and their time to help make this happen! The Religious school students are looking forward to the Brotherhood cooking latkes and also the Chanukah party. If you can help volunteer to make latkes, I know the Brotherhood would really appreciate it.

Also, stay tuned for information about the menorah candle lighting schedule. Most of what happens at Congregation Shalom would not happen without our staff and volunteers. I want to thank everyone who takes time to help make this temple run. You take time out of your busy schedules to keep Congregation Shalom a warm, caring Jewish community, where would we be without you? Of course we can always use more people to volunteer. There are many areas where Congregation Shalom could use your skills. Please reach out to me or any board member if there is something you feel you could help do at the synagogue. The more members who volunteer help to make it easier to keep our congregation running smoothly. Regarding volunteers, with the position of First Vice President being open, the Executive Committee nominated Stephen Rodman to fill the position. The board of trustees met last week and Stephen Rodman was voted in unanimously. I am looking forward to working with him and appreciate his acceptance of this role. His experience will be very valuable to Congregation Shalom. Lastly, I want to wish everyone a warm, light-filled season with lots of latkes!