The Year of Two Chanukahs!

Keeping Connected    January 2025 

Happy secular new year to you all!

2025 is here and while we have some months of winter ahead, we can look forward to the days becoming longer again! I learned a pretty interesting fact about Chanukah this season, thank you to our amazing Education Director, Deborah Morrisey! In 2025, we have the opportunity to celebrate Chanukah twice! Because of how the holidays fall, we will be able to celebrate Chanukah in January of 2025 and December of 2025!

So, what’s going on at Congregation Shalom? We have had some updates to the kitchen! We have 2 new refrigerators and they are up and running! Now there is more room for delicious food and drinks for Congregation Shalom events! Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen! The Shalomites are looking forward to their ski trip at the end of January. There is still room if you have a teen interested in attending! On January 12th, we will be holding the Board of Trustees retreat. Board members and committee chairs are invited to attend. We will be discussing the philosophy of giving and exploring what that might mean for us. We will also be discussing how we might work to increase engagement at Congregation Shalom. After the retreat, the board is looking forward to sharing what we learned and how we hope to advance the goals we come up with. Additionally, we are also working on planning a leadership program called Atid which means “future”. The goal of this program is to offer a series of classes to temple members who are interested in learning more about how the temple works in hopes these attendees will want to take a more active role in the synagogue and help to be our “future” leaders. More information to come on this program. Both the retreat and the Atid program are all about the work of continuing to enhance the vitality, warmth and strength of this amazing place!