The JOYS and Oys of Hebrew School
Keeping Connected February 2025
The “JOYS” (and “oys”) of Hebrew School
Congregation Shalom’s Hebrew School program meets once a week on Wednesday afternoons, starting at 4:15pm. This is not an ideal time to have students gather to learn a new language. They are tired from a day of school. They are hungry. They have a long list of other things they would much rather be doing. Parents sometimes find it difficult to get their children physically to the temple. For a few months, the students enter just as it begins to turn dark outside. For many months, the students leave at 6pm into darkness. How do we create an exciting and engaging program that allows the students to learn Hebrew, develop their Jewish identity, find pride in being Jewish, connect to Judaism and have fun amidst all these circumstances? It is not easy but with a lot of hard work from teachers, madrichim, families and the students, we are seeing success and celebrating Hebrew achievements weekly!
If you were to observe the Hebrew School, you would see a busy and active environment. There are small groups of students spread out all through the social hall and sometimes into the sanctuary and hallway, working with each other, working with teachers and madrichim and sometimes working by themselves practicing Hebrew. Here is a short list of some of what you might see.
- Students recording their own Hebrew on IPads.
- A student working one on one with a madrichim learning new words and phrases.
- A small group of students chanting a prayer together or line by line.
- Students working with word cards from a prayer, reading the individual words and putting them in order.
- Students laying on bean bags chairs reciting prayers and blessing they have already mastered.
- A group of students playing Hebrew vocabulary Jenga.
- Students up on the bima, chanting a prayer they have mastered.
- Students helping each other to learn new material.
- Students and teachers playing “Game Show Vocabulary,” complete with buzzers and score keeping.
- Students taking a moment to go through the aleph-bet flashcards to see how fast they can identify each letter and the sound it makes.
- Students reading nonsensical Hebrew words to practice putting letters and vowels together.
- A group of students involved in a game of AlephBet Chutes and Ladders.
- Students matching Hebrew Words of the Week to their English meanings.
- Students playing group games like Blooket and Kahoot.
- And so much more
As you can see, Hebrew School might not look like your own Hebrew School experiences. (We hope is is improved and more engaging for all.) So much time and effort and hard work go into planning for Hebrew School and implementing it each week. It works best with support, encouragement and enthusiasm from parents and our whole temple community. Please work with us to talk positively about Hebrew School and the joys that do come from learning Hebrew at Congregation Shalom.
We often end the Hebrew day with everyone sharing their “Oys and Joys” from Hebrew School from that day. There are “oys” each day as students work to learn and speak and chant a new language. There are also many “joys” including spending time with friends, learning a new prayer, mastering a prayer and getting to move on to a new prayer, winning a game, getting a turn on the IPad or beanbag chair, learning something new, and so much more. The teachers and madrichim are proud of the hard work from the students and we all work together each day to try to create an environment that is filled with “joys.”
Please share with me your own thoughts about us scheduling Hebrew School on Wednesday afternoons. If you have other ideas, we are always thinking about ways to improve all parts of the Religious/Hebrew School and your thoughts and ideas are welcomed. Also, please join with your children in finding and articulating the joys of Hebrew School, Congregation Shalom and being Jewish!
Todah Rabah, (thank you)
Schedule for February 2025
- Sunday, February 2, 2025 – Religious School is in session
- Wednesday, February 5 – Hebrew School, 4:15pm-6:00pm; Chai School, 6:15pm – 8:15pm
- Friday, February 7 – Shabbat Dinner at 6pm, Family Shabbat at 7pm
- Sunday, February 9– Religious School for Preschool – 7th graders; Parent/Teacher Conferences for 1st – 7th
- Tuesday, February 11 – Post Confirmation, 7pm-8:30pm at Rabbi Perry’s home
- Wednesday, February 12 – Hebrew School, 4:15pm-6:00pm; Chai School 6:15pm-8:15pm
- Sunday, February 16 – NO SCHOOL – Massachusetts School vacation
- Wednesday, February 19 – NO HEBREW SCHOOL OR CHAI SCHOOL – Massachusetts vacation week
- Sunday, February 23 – NO SCHOOL – Massachusetts School vacation
- Wednesday, February 26 – Hebrew School, 4:15pm-6:00pm; Chai School 6:15pm-8:15pm