Do a Mitzvah with Dov or Dova

Keeping Connected   March 2025

There are so many themes and concepts that help support the education of our students. One of the many ideas that the students are exposed to every single year and that we hope becomes a central part of their own Jewish identity and growth is the idea of doing mitzvot (commandments or good deeds.) Each class focuses on this idea in many different ways throughout the year, with curriculum, conversations, literature and experiences. We always love to hear about all the different mitzvot everyone is doing so please continue to share them with us.

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade class just finished experiencing mitzvot with Dov and Dova, the temple’s stuffed bears who love to help with mitzvot. Each student got a chance to take home either Dov or Dova and their suitcase filled with lots of things to help do mitzvot together at home. The suitcase includes supplies to do Shabbat and/or Havdalah at home, a huge list of suggestions of mitzvot to do together and lots of ritual items. The students walk out of the temple on a Sunday morning with a huge smile on their face after having found out that it is their turn to have Dov or Dova come to their home. The young students cuddle the bear and give the suitcase to mom or dad too carry! After spending a week or two together at home, the student and Dov or Dova come back to class and share the mitzvot they did together during their visit. The students add an entry into a journal, complete with photos and writings about their experiences. It is a very joyful and meaningful part of the curriculum.  Our hope is to begin to instill the importance, joy and responsibility of performing mitzvot and to encourage them to continue performing mitzvot for the rest of their lives.

As I was preparing for the bears to begin their visits, I was filling up the suitcases with all the necessary items. One of the items in the suitcase is a list of ideas of various mitzvot to do together when Dov or Dova visits. Instead of sharing that list with you, I thought I would share with you a partial list of the mitzvot that the students and families did do together with Dov or Dova!  It is pretty impressive.

Things 1st/2nd/3rd graders and Dov/Dova did during their week together.

  • Attended Shabbat services
  • Helped open the ark
  • Celebrated Shabbat at home
  • Celebrated Shabbat at temple
  • Read books together
  • Helped empty the dishwasher
  • Went to Kol Kolot rehearsals
  • Ate challah bread
  • Helped feed the cat
  • Sang with Kol Kolot on the bima
  • Practiced Hebrew letters
  • Ate a snack or a meal together
  • Lit shabbat candles
  • Collected tzedakah money
  • Listened to music
  • Made challah together
  • Donated food to the hungry
  • Helped clean the room
  • Took care of Nana’s dog
  • Played golf
  • Played with a puppy
  • Helped decorate for Hanukkah
  • Celebrated a birthday
  • Set the table for shabbat
  • Celebrated Havdalah
  • Help feed the bunnies
  • Went out to dinner
  • Helped with the laundry
  • Shoveled snow
  • Played Legos

May all of our students and families continue to perform mitzvot for a lifetime.


Schedule for March 2025

  • Sunday, March 2, 2025 – Religious School is in session; Family Ed for 4th/5th grade; Kol Kolot rehearsal
  • Wednesday, March 5 – Hebrew School, 4:15pm-6:00pm; Chai School field trip (6pm – 8:45pm)
  • Friday, March 7 – Shabbat Dinner at 6pm, Family Shabbat at 7pm, led by 6th/7thgraders
  • Sunday, March 9– Religious School is in session
  • Tuesday, March 11 – Post Confirmation, 7pm-8:30pm at Rabbi Perry’s home
  • Wednesday, March 12 – Hebrew School, 4:15pm-6:00pm
  • Friday, March 14 – Tot Shabbat at 6pm
  • Sunday, March 16 – Purim Spiel and Carnival at 10am
  • Wednesday, March 19 – Hebrew School, 4:15pm – 6:0pm
  • Saturday, March 22 – Family Ed for 6th grade – 5:00pm
  • Sunday, March 23 – Religious School is in session; Kol Kolot rehearsal
  • Wednesday, March 26 – Hebrew School, 4:15pm-6:00pm; Chai School Session 3 begins, 6:15pm-8:15pm
  • Sunday, March 30 – Religious School is in session; Kol Kolot rehearsal