Survey Results
Keeping Connected November 2019
I hope you all had meaningful high holidays and were able to spend some quality time with friends and family. One item that has been on my mind for quite a while has been the survey we conducted last fall. If you remember, we asked you to participate in a 2-part survey and you may have been wondering what ever happened with the data we generated. I do not want you to think that participation in this survey was wasted energy because it was not. A report has been generated which summarizes the different aspects of Congregation Shalom we delved into, including ritual, youth, our Rabbi, financial elements, youth education, adult education, leadership, our extended family personality, congregational values, volunteerism, and communication. Our goal was to check the pulse of each of these, knowing that our next steps would be to take action where needed.
One issue we learned from the survey was that our members were not 100% satisfied with our dues structure and as you know, we have made changes towards that end. The survey report is now going to a Strategic Planning Committee to be analyzed in even more detail to see how we may affect change to better serve our members. It is important that you know Congregation Shalom belongs to each of us and everyone’s opinion matters. As with any organization that changes, we know it is important to stay in touch with our membership and to make sure that we are moving in a direction that is consistent with the trends and desires of our membership as well as the broader community. With that, I ask that you not necessarily wait for surveys to let us know how we are doing. I always want to know how we are doing, what we can do better, and what you love about our temple and community.
I hope you will take the time to read the results of the survey which can be found at the link below. Please reach out to me any time with your feedback.