Passing the Halfway Mark

February 2022   Keeping Connected

January leads us around the corner into the second half of the school year. By this time, families with students in Kitah Bet, Gimel and Dalet (4th, 5th and 6th grade) should have already received a quick progress write up of your student and their Hebrew progress. Families in Kitah Hey (7th grade) can continue to reach out to Rabbi Perry at any time. Families with students in grades Kindergarten through 7th grade have also had the opportunity to conference with your students’ teachers on Zoom to hear about how they are doing in Religious School on Sundays (and in Kitah Aleph!) Preschool families can continue to communicate with Morah Lauren at any time. If you were unable to conference on Zoom with your teacher and you would still like to, please reach out to either me or the teacher to set up a time to talk.

If anyone has any questions, comments or concerns about your students, please know that you can reach out to me any time throughout the year.

Thank you to everybody for your continued support, flexibility and patience as we manage our way through all things COVID. It has been extremely helpful to know that you are reading the weekly information letters that are sent out with the various schedule changes. The school would not be able to run so smoothly if it were not for your support of your children and the school.

With gratitude,




Schedule for February

(Subject to change depending on … COVID)

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

  • Hebrew School – remote and in-person according to schedule
  • Kitah Hey – 4:15pm-6pm in temple
  • Chai School – Pizza at 6pm, classes 6:30pm-8pm

Friday, February 4 – Family Shabbat at 7:00pm (led by the 4th graders,) all are invited

Sunday, February 6 – Religious School

Shacharit Service today – note change in schedule

  • Preschool – 2nd- 8:30m-10:15am
  • 3rd grade – 8:30am – 11:30am
  • 4th grade – 8:30am – 10:45am (due to Shacharit)
  • 5th -6th – 10:15am – 12:15pm (note earlier arrival and earlier dismissal time)
  • 7th grade – Kallah off site – 1pm -5pm

Wednesday, February 9

  • Hebrew School – remote and in-person according to schedule
  • Kitah Hey – 4:15pm-6pm in temple
  • Chai School – 6:00 pizza, class 6:30pm-8:00pm
  • Post Confirmation- 6:00 pizza, class 6:30pm-8:00pm

Sunday, February 13 – Religious School

  • K – 4th – 8:30m-10:15am
  • 5th – 7th – 10:30am – 12:30pm
  • 5th grade Family Ed – 10:30am-12:30am

Wednesday, February 16

  • Hebrew School – remote and in-person according to schedule
  • Kitah Hey – 4:15pm-6pm in temple
  • Chai School – Pizza at 6pm, classes 6:30pm-8pm

Sunday, February 20 – NO SCHOOL due to Massachusetts School Vacation

Sunday, February 27 – NO SCHOOL due to Massachusetts School Vacation