A Couple of Things…

March 2021    Keeping Connected

It is important to me to keep everyone informed of what is going on at our synagogue, especially when we cannot be there together. I have a couple of items that we are currently working on and I would be open to your input on these.

First, each year, our temple has a leadership retreat, typically where the board of trustees and committee chairs go off-site for a day and spend some time exploring 1-2 topics that are typically strategic in nature and topics we do not usually have enough time to delve into at our board meetings.  We have not yet had the leadership retreat this year but we are going to try and do a remote version in the near future. One topic we may delve into is how things have worked for us this past year in this time of COVID; what do we think worked well, what did not work well, are there things we want to keep the same in the future. As we start to think about re-opening our building and maybe getting back to “normal”, I would love to hear any thoughts you have.

Second, we are looking for a chair for our Communications Committee. Eileen Hirsch has done an amazing job chairing this committee for the last couple of years but would like to step down as chair.  She will remain on the committee and will focus on keeping our web site up to date. This committee functions very well and we have members who take care of Keeping Connected, our weekly updates, Publicity, reviewing communications prior to publication, and more. What we need is a Chair, someone to keep everything running smoothly but also someone who can provide some strategic direction to the team and help us improve our marketing campaigns and communications, etc., especially with respect to social media. Because the members of this committee function so well, the amount of time anticipated to be required for this position could be minimal. If you think this may be something that interests you and you would like to discuss more, please call me anytime to discuss.

Finally, the Phased Reopening Committee is beginning to discuss re-opening of our temple but these are just preliminary discussions and a decision on this is likely still a ways out. You will be the first to know when a decision is made😊 but do know we are talking about it.

Enjoy March and I hope we can enjoy some warmer weather.  Stay well.
