December School Highlights

Keeping Connected     December 2019

December brings with it great joy and celebration. As all the students work hard with their religious and Hebrew studies, we are also able to offer some fun and exciting events at this time of the year.

As is tradition, the School Committee will be putting on the annual Hanukkah Party on Sunday, December 15, 2019 from noon – 2:00pm. It is sure to be a fun time with food, music, games, crafts and even a chance make a scarf to donate to other people. The party is open to everyone, and we encourage families and students to come and celebrate together. Please feel free to donate nut free cookies or snacks to share.Then, on Saturday, December 21, 2019, the entire congregation will be hosting a fun Hanukkah filled evening for all. Beginning at 4:45pm, some students from the Religious School will be performing their play called Meet the Latkes. It’s a show you won’t want to miss! Following the play, we will all join together for Havdallah, followed by a spirited concert with Sue Horowitz and friends. Everyone will then be invited to stick around for a Potluck dinner and to vote on your favorite homemade Hanukkiah (Hanukkah menorah.) Everyone is invited to submit a homemade menorah for the contest and to come and vote for your favorite. Be creative! Have fun! Celebrate Hanukkah together with our community!

Tzedakah Progress

Schedule for December

December 1 – No School
December 4 – Hebrew School, Chai School
December 6 – 4th grade class dinner and Shabbat service
December 8 – Religious School, Grade 6 Family Ed, Theater rehearsal
December 10 – Post Confirmation
December 11 – Hebrew School, Ma’ariv Service Kitah Gimel, Chai School (snow date)
December 15 – Religious School, Hanukkah Party 12-2
December 18 – Hebrew School
December 19 – Theater rehearsal (4-6:30pm)
December 21 – Play Performance, Hanukiah Contest, Havdallah, Potluck, Concert
December 22 – January 4 – No School
January 5, 2020 – Religious School is in session