How will you “tzedakah” this year?

Keeping Connected  October 2023

After a busy summer and beginning to the school year, we are hoping to settle into a great school routine for the year. Wednesday Hebrew School has gotten off to a smooth start with lots of energy, smiles, and Hebrew reading and chanting. I have been privileged to be part of one of the classes that begins each week with their own rendition of Heini Ma Tov. When asked the meaning of the song, one student said, “It is great for us all to be together.” It is really beautiful to listen to the students come together in song. We are just getting underway with our Sunday schedule, with lots of anticipation for the year ahead with a new school structure, new curriculum and new ideas.

One thing that seems to be well underway is our tzedakah project for the year. We began the year by having our community come together in g’milut chasadim (loving acts of kindness.) Our school community worked together and created 76 beautiful and meaningful stones that have been added to the memorial garden. We also made 32 scarves that will be donated to those in need for the cold winter months. Eighteen cards were made to give to clients from the Lowell Wish Project to help brighten their day and nine notes were written to various heroes through the Operation Gratitude program.

Our tzedakah work will continue this year as we focus on the value of Shomrei Adama (caretakers of the earth.)  (**See Rabbi Perry’s article this month.) It is our Jewish responsibility to protect and care for the earth. There are three ways to participate in our tzedakah project this year.

  1. You can collect the approved plastics in a clear bag and drop them off in the new bin in the entryway of the temple. Over the course of the year, we will track (by weight) how much plastic Congregation Shalom collects. The donated plastics will be given to NexTrex, who will turn them into eco-friendly building materials, without ever having to cut down trees! Our donations will keep plastic out of landfills and help to create environmentally friendly products. Watch this short video to teach you a little bit about the project. Pick up a hard copy of the flyer in the entryway of the temple
  2. You can donate money into the plastic bag on the table in the lobby. We are hoping to collect enough money this year to be able to purchase a piece of outdoor furniture from NexTrex to add to our outdoor space. In a year we could be sitting on our own plastic donations!
  3. Donate clean and acceptable redeemable cans and bottles to the new can in the kitchen. Students in our school will regularly empty the barrel and bring the cans and bottles to the store for the deposit refund. The money collected will be added to our tzedakah money collection for the year.

We are very excited to work together as a community this year in various acts of helping to take care of the earth. We look forward to joining together and making an impact.

Thank you, Deborah

 Schedule for October

  • Sunday, October 1 – Religious School/Kitah Aleph are in session
  • Wednesday, October 4 – Hebrew School, 4:15pm – 6:00pm
  • Friday, October 6         
    •  6:00pm – Family Shabbat Dinner – all school families are invited to join us for  Shabbat Dinner
    •  7:00pm – Shabbat – Consecration, Simchat Torah and Shabbat!
  • Sunday, October 8 – No School due to the long holiday weekend
  • Wednesday, October 11
    •  Hebrew School
    • Chai School – 6:15pm – 8:15pm
  • Sunday, October 15 – Religious School/Kitah Aleph are in session
  • Wednesday, October 18
    •  Hebrew School
    • Chai School – 6:15pm – 8:15pm
  • Friday, October 20 – Tot Shabbat at 6pm
  • Sunday, October 22 – School is in session. OFF SITE field trip to Good Pickin’ Farms.  Drop off and pick up at the farm.  More information will be coming soon.
  • Wednesday, October 25
    •  Hebrew School
    • Chai School – 6:15pm – 8:15pm
  • Sunday, October 29 – Religious School/Kitah Aleph are in session
    • 6th grade family ed (9am-11am)

SAVE THE DATE – Sunday, November 5 – The School Committee will be selling breakfast before Religious School at 8:30am. Plan to eat breakfast with your friends and classmates before class.  More information will be coming your way.