Todah Rabah and L’hitraot

Keeping Connected    June 2024

Todah Rabah and L’hitraot

(Thank you and until we meet again)

Thank you again to everybody for helping to create a successful school year. So many great things happened during the course of the year and we were able to end the year with well-deserved fun celebrations! Teacher Appreciation on the last day of school was a wonderful morning with our community and the last Wednesday of Hebrew School allowed us to recognize our teachers and madrichim and enjoy a fun last day of Hebrew. I am so grateful to be part of this school community!

The summer will bring with it lots of work in continuing to figure out and design the school for next year, including class configurations, curriculum, staffing and so much more. Please send in your registration forms if you have not already done so. It is so important for us to have that information as we move ahead with plans for the next school year. I welcome any suggestions and questions as this important work continues throughout the next few months

As you know, we exceeded our goal with the plastics collection this year! We collected over 200 pounds of soft recyclable plastics. The donation container will remain in the entry way for a little while, but everyone is encouraged to bring your collected plastics directly to the donation container at your grocery store. We can continue with the idea of Shomrei Adama by everyone doing their part to help take care of the earth.

In conjunction with our plastic collection, we raised enough money to purchase a bench made from recycled plastics. We are awaiting the arrival of the bench any day now. Look for it the next time you are at Congregation Shalom.

 The year is not over. There are still some end-of-the-year services that you will want to attend!

  • Friday, June 7 – 6:15pm, This is the last Family Shabbat of the year. We will begin at 6:15pm with a free Shabbat Pizza dinner for all school families, followed by a music filled Shabbat at 7pm.  Reach out to your friends and classmates and plan to come out for one more Shabbat dinner and service!
  • Friday, June 14 – 6pm, Tot Shabbat – join us as the youngest members of our community join together in song and prayer and fun as we honor Shabbat. It is always a fun and spirited time.  If you have never been, end the year with attending Shabbat.  If you have been before, come back and celebrate Shabbat together!
  • Friday, June 14 – 7pm, Graduation Shabbat – come and celebrate our young adults as they graduate and move on to their college experiences. This is always a moving and inspirational service as you hear about the journeys of these young adults and their own experiences at Congregation Shalom. It will be a Shabbat service that you won’t want to miss!

Wishing a wonderful summer, filled with a little Hebrew practice!

With gratitude,
