Traveling to Israel (with the 3rd grade class)


I went to Israel last month!

In the middle of March, the 3rd graders and their families “took a trip to Israel “as part of this year’s Family Ed program for them. As they entered Congregation Shalom, they were quickly directed to the airport where they got a passport, answers many questions about their travel plans and got the okay to board the Congregation Shalom El Al airplane. Their tour guides for the trip included Rabbi Perry, Moreh Rich and Morah Madeline. After a plane ride, complete with beverage/snack service and in-plane information and entertainment, the class arrived in Israel. They went to the Hadassah Hospital, a café in Tel Aviv, a visit to the Western Wall and so much more. While in Israel, the students wrote postcards home. They got to practice their Hebrew and explore much of Israel.

I was personally moved by their visit to the Western Wall. After their tour guide explained that people go to the Western Wall to write prayers that are meaningful to themselves, the students took this task very seriously. Here are their writings.

  • We pray that everyone is healthy and happy.
  • I pray for homelessness to end.
  • We hope our family is happy.
  • Wishing my family happiness and good health.
  • Dear God, I love you.

Coincidentally, I was also in the third-grade class the other day while they were learning more about the Western Wall while watching a LiveCam of the Western Wall.  The whole thing was really amazing. Just the idea that we were able to be sitting in Congregation Shalom and watching it in real time was quite moving. The students were so invested in this activity and had so many questions and facts to share. They saw the divided areas, one for the men and one for the women. They saw chairs and learned that some people chose to become a B-Mitzvah at the Western Wall. It was explained to them that the women would be standing on one side looking over the divider to see the boy becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Some of the kids were incensed over the division of the genders. Two of the students made plans to visit Israel and the Western Wall after they become a B-Mitzvah. (They also already picked out what they will wear on their trip!) Someone asked, “I do not see a lot of young people at the Wall. Do you have to have had a Bar Mitzvah to visit?” Other questions included “Why is that person sitting and not standing?” “What time is it in Israel?” and so much more. I was really proud of our 3rd graders and Moreh Rich for engaging in such meaningful and interesting curriculum.

This is just a small snippet of what goes on during Religious/Hebrew School at Congregation Shalom. We are providing our young students with a rich curriculum that allows them to listen, learn, engage, question and enjoy their time at our school.

Wishing you and your family חַג שָׂמֵחַ (Chag Sameach!)


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