April 2020  Keeping Connected

It is ironic that we are all supposed to “stay-at-home,” yet the Congregation Shalom students and teachers have been “zooming” in and out of Religious School and Hebrew School for the past few weeks! As you know, our school has rolled out our own version of Distance Learning and I am pleased to say that it has been a very successful beginning. The teachers have worked so hard to get this program up and running. They have put in countless hours to implement this new way of teaching and learning. The families have been incredibly supportive. We have seen joy and enthusiasm from the students during the virtual classes. It is lovely to hear the students saying hello to each other as their classmates’ faces pop up on the screen. One of our favorite quotes of the week was when a young student was just about to end his virtual learning and said, “This was the best Hebrew class EVER!” I have already communicated a lot with you over the past few weeks about our plans but please bear with us as we continue to make changes here and there to create a smooth program for everyone. Many many thanks to everyone!

Does anyone recognize this?

This is a challah made from pantyhose and pillow stuffing. Years ago, Kindergartners in Religious School would learn about challah and make their own stuffed challah. Looks like fun? Well, we have put out a Challah Challenge for our entire community. Make a challah while stuck in the house! Make it out of flour.  Make it out of flowers. Your challah can be edible or inedible. It can be two dimensional, three dimensional or out of this world! Be creative and have fun with this project. Send a photo of your challah to me or Rabbi Perry.  All photos will be posted on the temple’s Facebook page.  I can’t wait to see all the challah submissions.

Schedule for April (as of 3/25/20 – subject to change)

April 1 – Virtual Hebrew School; Virtual Chai School, Virtual Confirmation Class Family Meeting

April 5 – Virtual Religious School (PreK-7); Virtual Kitah Aleph, Virtual 6th Grade Family Ed.

April 8 – NO SCHOOL – 1st night of Passover

April 12 – Virtual Religious School (PreK-7); Virtual Kitah Aleph

April 14 – Virtual Post Confirmation

April 15 – Virtual Hebrew School, Virtual Chai School

April 19 – Virtual Religious School (Pre-7); Virtual Kitah Aleph

April 22 – Virtual Hebrew School

April 26 – Virtual Religious School (PreK-7)

April 29 – Virtual Hebrew School