Pledge For 2024/2025 Year

Keeping Connected    July 2024 
While the days of summer are longer and longer, I’m going to keep this month’s article short!  During the month of July, you will be receiving an email regarding your pledge for the 2024/2025 year.  We are hoping to get this out mid-July so that you have enough time to make a pledge that is meaningful and right for you and your family.  Please know that at the annual meeting, the Congregation voted on a budget which included a small increase in the suggested pledge amount.  That amount will be on the pledge form, along with a highlights sheet and FAQ sheet.
We are hoping to have pledges turned in this year in a timely manner.  Please also remember that your pledge form is required in order to have your child enrolled in our religious education program.  Access to our school is a benefit of membership at Congregation Shalom.  Please keep this in mind when thinking about the timeliness of returning your pledge form.
We strive to have Congregation Shalom be an accessible and welcoming community for all.  By returning your form quickly, you ensure that your commitment is properly acknowledged and included in our planning.  We want to have each and every one of you counted in our membership, so please make that possible for us.
When you receive the email, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at or Bonnie (our wonderful, amazing bookkeeper) at
Enjoy the rest of summer!