Summer Business
August 2017 Newsletter Article
Summer is half-way over now, and the activity level at the temple reflects that. Sundays and Wednesdays are noticeably quieter while school is on hiatus. But the business of the temple continues, even on these hot days. Summer cleaning, with an emptier building, is more thorough. School registrations have been processed in anticipation of fall classes. Rabbi Perry and the Ritual Committee have begun planning for the High Holidays. B’Nai Mitzvah tutoring continues for those with autumn dates. And the Board of Trustees meets year round.
We want to let our members know what the business of the temple is, and how the Board is addressing it. Every member of this congregation should be able to understand decisions that are being made by the Board.
Our mission statement refers to us as “an extended family of equals” and, though many decisions are made by the Board, it follows that input from regular members is valued. You might be interested to know that Board meetings are open to all members. You can witness the business of the temple as it is happening. Board meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month, and the agenda will be posted approximately one week before on the Members Only section of our temple website. You will also be able to find minutes of these meetings there once they’ve been approved.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or comments. I can be reached at or at 978-692-0415. I would like each member to feel a sense of “ownership” of this place. Getting involved is a good thing.