Volunteer Needs and Updates
April 2022 Keeping Connected
Hi friends,
I will get right to it. We need volunteers… I know you probably hear this a lot but for us to be a successful organization, we rely on our members to step up and help. We have limited staff and volunteers are needed so we can maintain our programming, our building, and our connectivity; we all need to participate and help out. My article this month will focus on some of our current needs for volunteers, with most of them being short-term commitments. If you see something that resonates with you, PLEASE let me know.
- Capital Projects Committees: We are in the process of establishing two separate committees for two very specific and very important capital projects. Each of these committees will have a few meetings to discuss and research the needs, develop a Request for Proposal (RFP), possibly meet with contractors (although the entire committee would not have to be part of this), evaluate bids, and bring a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. If you are interested in assisting with either or both of the following short-term committees, please let me know.
-Exterior Siding
-Painting & Carpeting - Our Annual Fundraising Auction: Every year, we have had a very successful auction in the November/December time frame thanks to our Fundraising Committee and we rely on proceeds from this auction for our operating budget. I am sure many of you have purchased some great items, gift cards, etc. in the past years. We did not have the auction the last couple of years due to COVID, but we want to start it up again. However, we absolutely cannot do it unless we get some volunteers. We are looking for folks who would be willing to help organize items to be sold in the auction and most importantly, willing to help solicit restaurants and other vendors for gift cards. This is another short-term commitment but a very important one. If you are interested, please let me know.
- July 4th: I would love to see Congregation Shalom be part of the Chelmsford July 4 celebration this year. I know this is something we used to do years ago. We will likely look to have a booth, sell some food and drinks, and this will allow people to know about our presence in the community. If you are interested in assisting with this short-term commitment, please let me know.
A couple of longer-term volunteer commitments:
- House Committee: We are looking for a team of volunteers to meet at least quarterly and stay on track of house/building issues. We are in the process of restructuring this committee to make sure we have a sustainable process moving forward. If you have an interest in this, please let me know.
- Social/Fun Committee: It is time we resurrect this committee and start planning some purely social activities for our congregational family, maybe dinner in Boston, a trip to a museum, the theater, whatever. But we need to have some fun together and we need some good ideas. Please let me know if you are interested.
Finally, a few reminders/updates
- Please do not forget to reserve a spot and/or table for our Yard Sale Fundraiser on May 15, 8 AM – 1 PM. It costs $25/spot and $10 to use a table. We ask that each family donate at least 10% of their profits back to the temple. It’s a great time to start your spring cleaning and get rid of what you do not need!! All spots must be reserved by May 1.
- Our Parking Lot Party will be on June 18, starting at 5 PM. We will have music, great food, Havdalah, and we are also trying to plan something special for the kids. More to come soon but save the date!!
Our new convection oven finally arrived!! We will be having some training sessions for some of the constituent groups soon on the operation of the oven.
Hope we get some nice spring weather this month!!
Stay well.