Keeping Connected with our President
Importance of Kavod
Keeping Connected – March 2025
The Importance of Kavod
Hello Congregation Shalom members! I am hopefully in Florida when you read this article. We have a very important meeting with a well-known mouse. First, I want to thank you for supporting our endeavor to modernize the synagogue’s website and office systems. I think this will make a big difference for us and help us to potentially retain and grow our membership. Eileen, Cory, and Stephen, thank you for your presentation. Joanna and Stacie thank you for assisting at the special meeting. Rabbi Perry, thank you also for your support! As this project rolls out, we will be sure to communicate to you all how things are progressing.
Lastly, I thought it might be interesting to talk about the word kavod which is the Hebrew word meaning respect. Kavod is a very important value in Judaism. We often talk a lot about in religious school with the students in hopes to instill this in them. Sometimes, I think, when people have differences of opinion because they feel so strongly about their view or opinion this value gets forgotten about. In an article from the site Rabbi Heidi Hoover writes:
“Judaism places high value on the dignity of each person. In Genesis 1:27 we are told that humanity was made in the image of God—b’tzelem Elohim. This teaching urges us to recognize every person’s equal value and treat each other with dignity.”
Our great rabbi Maimonides wrote that “The Sages say, ‘One who shames (lit., ‘makes white’) the face of his fellow… has no share in the World to Come’ (Pirkei Avot 3:15). Therefore, one must be careful in this matter—that he not embarrass his fellow publicly, whether a small or great [person].” [i]
I hope as a congregation, we can reflect on the importance of kavod in our lives and in the lives of others.
Enhancing Communication at Congregation Shalom
Keeping Connected – February 2025
Keeping a synagogue running smoothly requires many moving parts. I always knew that, but it becomes even more apparent when in the role of President! All these parts are interconnected, even if they don’t seem so at the surface. An important part of keeping things moving and these parts all connected is how information is communicated to members and to the community outside the temple.
This past month, the board of trustees had an opportunity to hear from Eileen Hirsch about temple communications and how we might improve how we interact with our members as well as how we interact with visitors to our website. A huge thank you to Eileen and the committee who worked on this as well as Lisa Lyman, our amazing school committee chair for her part and support! It was an excellent presentation and gave us an opportunity to see how we might move forward to help improve how people see us on the internet as well as improve communication through better access for our members to forms, ability to make donations, improved school registration, and maintaining member data and an improved calendar. On February 13th at 7pm membership will have an opportunity to hear from Eileen about a forward-thinking plan to help us move ahead to modernize our website and our communication strategy. An invitation to attend this special congregational meeting was sent on January 29th.
At our recent board retreat, I mentioned a quote from Pirkei Avot that says, “Rabbi Tarfon said, it is not your duty to finish the work, but neither are you at liberty to neglect it.” How we communicate is an ever-evolving challenge, and technology moves so fast that it is important that we continue to work and improve on it; otherwise, it becomes neglected.
The Year of Two Chanukahs!
Keeping Connected January 2025
Happy secular new year to you all!
2025 is here and while we have some months of winter ahead, we can look forward to the days becoming longer again! I learned a pretty interesting fact about Chanukah this season, thank you to our amazing Education Director, Deborah Morrisey! In 2025, we have the opportunity to celebrate Chanukah twice! Because of how the holidays fall, we will be able to celebrate Chanukah in January of 2025 and December of 2025!
So, what’s going on at Congregation Shalom? We have had some updates to the kitchen! We have 2 new refrigerators and they are up and running! Now there is more room for delicious food and drinks for Congregation Shalom events! Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen! The Shalomites are looking forward to their ski trip at the end of January. There is still room if you have a teen interested in attending! On January 12th, we will be holding the Board of Trustees retreat. Board members and committee chairs are invited to attend. We will be discussing the philosophy of giving and exploring what that might mean for us. We will also be discussing how we might work to increase engagement at Congregation Shalom. After the retreat, the board is looking forward to sharing what we learned and how we hope to advance the goals we come up with. Additionally, we are also working on planning a leadership program called Atid which means “future”. The goal of this program is to offer a series of classes to temple members who are interested in learning more about how the temple works in hopes these attendees will want to take a more active role in the synagogue and help to be our “future” leaders. More information to come on this program. Both the retreat and the Atid program are all about the work of continuing to enhance the vitality, warmth and strength of this amazing place!
Chanukah Celebrations
Keeping Connected December 2024
While the days are becoming shorter and the weather is getting colder, as Jews, we have the opportunity to be optimistic about the season. Our optimism comes from the chance to celebrate the warmth of the lights of Chanukah and think about how our ancestors were able to overcome great odds, regain their identity and rededicate the temple. I am also looking forward to the warmth from one of my favorite foods this season, latkes! The smell of potatoes frying and the taste of latkes always brings back memories of childhood Chanukah celebrations. Cleaning up after cooking the latkes however, is not my favorite! You definitely do not want to see our kitchen after I have been cooking!
I would also like to discuss what is going on at the temple this season. Food is an important part of Congregation Shalom activities and thanks to a number of donations we will have new refrigerators! Thank you to all those people who donated funds and their time to help make this happen! The Religious school students are looking forward to the Brotherhood cooking latkes and also the Chanukah party. If you can help volunteer to make latkes, I know the Brotherhood would really appreciate it.
Also, stay tuned for information about the menorah candle lighting schedule. Most of what happens at Congregation Shalom would not happen without our staff and volunteers. I want to thank everyone who takes time to help make this temple run. You take time out of your busy schedules to keep Congregation Shalom a warm, caring Jewish community, where would we be without you? Of course we can always use more people to volunteer. There are many areas where Congregation Shalom could use your skills. Please reach out to me or any board member if there is something you feel you could help do at the synagogue. The more members who volunteer help to make it easier to keep our congregation running smoothly. Regarding volunteers, with the position of First Vice President being open, the Executive Committee nominated Stephen Rodman to fill the position. The board of trustees met last week and Stephen Rodman was voted in unanimously. I am looking forward to working with him and appreciate his acceptance of this role. His experience will be very valuable to Congregation Shalom. Lastly, I want to wish everyone a warm, light-filled season with lots of latkes!
Rosh Hashanah Speech
It has been ten years since I have been up here, speaking during the high holidays, so I apologize if I am a little rusty. For those of you who do not know me, or, perhaps, those of you whom I do not know, my name is Stephen Rodman and I am a long-time member here at Congregation Shalom.
I think that Becky asked me to speak this morning because my history with Congregation Shalom is a little unique. What is that history? For starters, my parents are founding members of Congregation Shalom and continue to be members today. This congregation has played a central part in my life from my earliest days. My mother has a picture of me, as a toddler, walking along the foundation of our original building. She was also my first religious school teacher.
When the original building was first constructed, this was pretty much a vacant lot. I remember planting the pine trees that now stand next to the driveway. I also remember one Purim when my brother Larry and I won the costume contest – He was Esther and I was Vashti.
As I have aged, so has my relationship with Congregation Shalom. From chaperoning youth group ski trips, one of which Becky attended as a Shalomite, to serving as president, this community has remained central to my Jewish life.
Rabbi Perry officiated my daughter’s naming and a temple member served as mohel at my son’s bris. I stood on this very bimah for her bat mitzvah and his bar mitzvah, and I stood on this bimah when I delivered a eulogy at my grandmother’s funeral. As I struggled through a divorce and as we now face my father’s battle with Alzheimer’s, this community has served, and continues to serve, as a source of support. Through the ups and downs, the joys, pains, and messiness that is life, Congregation Shalom has been a constant in my life. For me, this is truly an extended family.
And while I understand my specific journey through and with Congregation Shalom is unique to me, I also understand that each of you has a unique connection to this community. Whether you are here to pursue your own spiritual growth or simply to educate your children, to engage in Tikkun Olan or to find friends with whom you share a common bond, being a part of this community is important to you. Whether it’s to share traditions with the next generation or to engage with the struggle of what God means to you, the fact that you are here today means that Judaism, and this community, play an important role in your life.
And perhaps today, more than ever before in our history, the importance of this community has never been greater. We all know what has happened in Israel over this past year. And we all know what has transpired in this country over the past year. I have two kids attending college. Their campus experiences today are vastly different than their experiences one year ago.
I am not getting into the politics of these issues, other than perhaps to say this: As I see it, Congregation Shalom, and this Jewish community, serves two major functions that cannot be overstated: First, Congregation Shalom is a Jewish home for all of us. A place where we share common experiences and traditions. A place where we do not need to explain ourselves. A place where we can just be. When the world itself feels a little off, just being in this building and being surrounded by this community makes a difference.
Second, Congregation Shalom is the Jewish outpost in this little corner of the Merrimack Valley. We are the face of Judaism in Chelmsford and beyond. When the local media looks for a Jewish perspective on events both national and international, they look to Rabbi Perry. When hate literature is distributed up at Drum Hill, or when high school football games are scheduled on Kol Nidre, it is Congregation Shalom that responds. And when antisemitism in this country is increasing at unprecedented rates, it is the mere presence of Congregation Shalom, and this building, that says: Jews are part of this community, and we will always be part of this community.
As I mentioned, I think the need for our presence both in this building and in this community has never been greater. And whether you are a member or a guest, the simple fact that you are here today sends a message within this community and to the world-at-large. We matter, and this congregation matters.
And, frankly, it is our responsibility to support this community and this building. Just as this congregation has played a pivotal role in so many aspects of my life, and just as this community has been there for you – whether that be the school, adult education, religious observances, family lifecycle events, or simply as a haven from the craziness happening everyday – it is our responsibility to make sure this community exists long into the future. For ourselves. For our children. And for the world. It is our responsibility to say: this is our home, our Jewish home, and together we will continue to call it our home.
How do we go about supporting Congregation Shalom in this way? How do we ensure the vitality of our community today and long into the future?
First, we make our annual pledges. If you have not as of yet returned your pledge forms, please do so. Our annual budget is based on those pledges, and without your pledges we will fall short of our expected revenues.
Second, we have a series of fundraisers planned throughout the year, from our online auction to our presence at the Westford Academy Holiday Bazaar to a spring yard sale. Your participation will make these events successful.
And finally, the one I am most excited about. We are having a fundraiser this spring like we have never had before. On April 6, at Salvatore’s Restaurant at Riverwalk in Lawrence, we will be hosting a red-carpet gala. We are going to have heavy hors d’oeuvres, drinks, dancing and dessert. We’ll have games, music, and some surprises. It will be a chance for us to dress up, socialize, and spend some time celebrating us, our community, and our future. We will have sponsorship opportunities for both our members and for the community at large. It is our goal to make this the single largest fundraising event we have had in our history. And we need you to make that happen. So please save the date, April 6, in your calendars. We hope you will join us, walk the red carpet, have a lot of fun, and support this community that has meant so much to each of us.
If you are interested in helping plan the event, or if you would like to be an event sponsor or know of a business or organization that would like to sponsor the event, please reach out to me or Liz Denly.
Congregation Shalom, the people of this community, this extended family, has played an essential role in my life and, I know, an essential role in many of your lives as well. I hope you will join me in making sure that vitality continues both for us and those who come after us.
I wish you all a happy, healthy new year.
Pledges Needed, Please!
The start of the fall, the school year and Jewish New Year symbolizes fresh beginnings, a clean slate and the opportunity to set new goals and intentions for the future. It’s a time for reflection on the past year and a chance to envision new possibilities for the year ahead.