Keeping Connected with Rabbi Perry
The DNA of Judaism
July 2017 Newsletter Article
The first part of Congregation Shalom’s mission statement reads, “Congregation Shalom is a Reform Jewish community committed to education, spiritual growth, and Tikkun Olam (healing the world).” As one reads this, it is easy to separate out the categories–Education, Spiritual Growth, Tikkun Olam, as if they are distinct and non-intersecting endeavors. For instance, if we were to reflect on the pursuit of Education, we might conclude that studying Jewish texts, reading in general, attending lectures and classes, watching movies, reading newspapers, discussions with others, etc. would all be actions that fulfill this mission. If we were to think about a path towards Spiritual Growth, we might consider that prayer, ritual and meditation would fall into this category. As for Tikkun Olam, we would probably think about tzedakah and performing acts of gimilut chasidim–acts of loving kindness. For instance, helping at Mitzvah Day, cooking for the food shelter, donating clothes, teaching English to refugees, and more, would all be examples of Tikkun Olam.More
Finding a Sense of Purpose
June 2017 Newsletter Article
In recent months, I have had the honor of teaching our B’nai Mitzvah class, our Confirmation class and our Post-Confirmation class. With each group of students I have offered the opportunity to reflect on the theme of “purpose”. What does it mean to become an adult Jew? What words of wisdom would you share with younger students in our religious school? What does it mean to “confirm” your identity as a Jew and how has community helped your vision grow? How do you hope to move forward in your Jewish lives with a sense of meaning and commitment? Our students have embraced the opportunity to reflect and they have offered different age-appropriate answers. In every case, their insights and observations and most of all their embrace of “purpose” is truly inspiring.More