
We are happy to announce the 2023-2024 Shalomites Board!

Natalie Weinberg, President
Elisabetta Shuldiner, Programming Vice President
Joshua Wolman, Social Action Vice President
Jacob Lazar, Religious & Cultural Vice President
Julian Libby-Gallagher, Co-Communications Vice President
Samantha Green, Co-Communications Vice President
Leo Jegasothy, Membership & Financial Vice President
Lily Abrams, Recording Secretary
Gabriel Rosen, NFTY Representative

Upcoming Events

  1. 06 Aug

    Shalomite Bd. Meetings

    7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

    Next dates: 03 Sep | 01 Oct | 05 Nov |
  2. 15 Mar

    Shalomites Shul-In

    6:00 pm - 9:00 am
  3. 16 Mar

    Purim Carnival

    11:00 am - 1:00 pm