Keeping Connected with our Ed Director
A New School Year
September 2021 Keeping Connected
The beginning of September has us looking forward to the new school year. I am excited for the year ahead as we approach another unique year for our temple school. The summer months have allowed me to meet some new families that will be joining our school. I invite you to reach out to people you may not know in the coming months and share a friendly hello and welcome. In addition, I am thrilled to welcome Kristin Morris to our teaching team. Morah Kristin is an involved member of Congregation Shalom. She will be teaching our 5th grade class this year. Morah Kristin will be joined by the familiar faces of Morah Lauren (preschool and 6th grade,) Moreh Rob (4th grade, Hebrew and Chai,) Moreh Rich (3rd grade and Kitah Aleph,) Morah Amy (Hebrew and Chai School,) Morah Tymon (Hebrew) and myself (K-2) to create a dynamic and awesome teaching staff!More
School Registration and Summer Hebrew Practic
Summer is here and I hope you are all enjoying a little rest, relaxation and family time. It is well deserved for all!
Summer Hebrew Practice
It is really importance to have your students practice Hebrew a little bit this summer. Research shows that children’s reading ability will decline during the summer months without continued practice.
Click here to access a fun Summer Hebrew Bingo Board. The activities suggested on the board should take no more than 10 minutes each. Encourage your student to complete the entire Bingo board and bring it back to temple for a little prize.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.
School Registration
Thank you to all the families who submitted their registrations! We truly appreciate your promptness.
As we move into summer, we are beginning to make plans for the next school year. We are buying books and supplies, creating class lists and figuring out what the school will look like this coming year. It is important that we have an accurate count of how many students we will have. Please submit your forms as soon as possible. After July 1, the late fee increases to $50. (If you have difficulties paying the deposit or late fees, please contact me at to discuss your options.)
Finally, please be on the lookout for a School Survey that will be coming out soon. We are interested in gathering information from you to help us make plans for the coming school year. Your participation in the survey will be important in helping us move forward in developing these plans. Thank you.
Enjoy the summer,
Reflections and Moving Forward
As we approach June, we reflect upon the year behind us and look ahead to the next school year! We had some exciting end of the year activities as we wrapped up an exciting, challenging, unique and successful school year.
I could list many great things about the year but I thought I would let the students share some of their thoughts.
- K-2 student – “I liked when we made Israel wind socks.”
- 3rd grade student – “I like learning about the Dead Sea and making the egg float.”
- 4th grade student – “I liked making the Tower of Babel.”
- 5th grade student – “I like learning about King David.”
- 6th grade student – “I liked the tenement museum tour.”
- 7th grade student – “I enjoyed acting out life cycle events.”
- Kitah Aleph student – “I learned all the letters of the aleph-bet.”
- Kitah Bet student – “I enjoyed learning new words.”
- Kitah Gimel student – I liked reading and chanting.”
- Kitah Dalet student – “Learning Hebrew vocabulary was my favorite.”
- Kitah Hey student – “I enjoyed learning more about the torah.”
May is a Month of Milestones
May 2021 Keeping Connected
It is May and what a beautiful time of the year. The grass is green. The flowers are in colorful bloom. I wake each morning to the songs of the birds. My resident groundhog (aptly named Phil) makes many appearances a day. Wildlife is everywhere. It is hard to not just sit and stare as nature takes its course during this time of the year! As I look at the calendar for May, I realize that there will not be a lot of time for sitting and staring as we all begin the end of the school year, with lots of milestones for so many students in our community. I really encourage you all to tune in to as many of the events and programs that you are able to as we finish up the school year this month.
In a beautiful cycle of Jewish life, we have the 3rd graders leading the Friday night Shabbat and celebrating the wonderful accomplishment of having completed their first year of Hebrew with their Siyyum Ha’Sefer celebration, followed the very next week by Confirmation Shabbat, in which a dedicated and spirited group of our 10th graders will stand before the congregation and confirm their connection to Judaism. Two weeks after that will be the Graduation Shabbat in which our 12th grader gets to celebrate his Congregation Shalom journey before heading out to more adventures and experiences. In between all of these celebrations, we will mark the end of the school year for everyone, as students complete this year and begin to look forward to being a grade older next year!More
Things I Use to Know Nothing About
April 2021 Keeping Connected
Hello School Community Friends,
On my desk sits a sticky note titled “Things I Use to Know Nothing About.” I started this list when I took on this job almost two years ago. At first, the list was my own way of dealing with the feeling of being thrown into an unknown situation of helping to run the school in the interim and learning things that were new to me, such as how to send a note out through Constant Contact and how to use a Mac computer! As we all know, that first year took a very unexpected turn and my list of “Things I Use to Know Nothing About” grew exponentially. Things such as “video conferencing” and “scanning” were quickly added to the list. It’s a good thing that I love sticky notes because I started to need more than one note to continue listing the new things I had to learn! The list continues to grow, though I have noticed that I have been able to add a few things to the list that are now my choice to learn and not because I have to know those things for this job.
One day recently, I was sitting at my desk, overwhelmed with a very long list of things to do. (I am definitely a list maker.) My eyes fell upon my original list of “Things I Use to Know Nothing About” and it got me thinking. What would a similarly titled list look like for the students in our school? More
Hebrew at Home!
March 2021 Keeping Connected
Hello School Community Friends,
Let’s talk about … Hebrew! (No! Don’t stop reading. It is going to be okay.)
Under the circumstances, the Hebrew program at Congregation Shalom is finding great success this year. The K-2 class is exposed to the Hebrew letters on Sunday mornings and they look forward to singing the AlephBet song while identifying some of the Hebrew letters. Kitah Aleph (3rd grade) and Kitah Bet (4th grade) meet on Sunday mornings following their religious school class. Kitah Aleph is moving right along and the students in the class are learning letters and sounds and words quickly. They are all strong in their Hebrew development and continue to amaze us each week. Kitah Bet has begun the mitkadem program as a whole class, with the goal to start to work a little more independently and progress individually. They are an enthusiastic group and are displaying lots of Hebrew knowledge. Kitah Gimel and Kitah Dalet meet on Wednesday afternoons, always online, and work in small groups with a teacher. The students listen to each other read, try to chant together, explore the meaning and significance of the prayers and blessings and work to learn the vocabulary words. This part of this year has taught us all a lot about how each student learns Hebrew and there are components of the program this year that we will carry into next year, when we are hopefully back in the building. The Gimel and Dalet students work really hard each week, chanting and reading with their peers and teacher. I am so proud of all the Hebrew students and teachers.More