Summer Reminders

July 2020   Keeping Connected

I hope you have all made a smooth transition into the summer months. There are two things to remind you about before you become too comfortable with the relaxed feelings of summer days and nights – School Registration and Hebrew Practice!

School Registration Packets for next year had a requested due date of July 1, 2020. If you have not returned your registration forms yet, please do so. Download Registration Packet from our website here. This will allow us to move ahead with plans for the next school year. I understand that so many pieces of our lives are up in the air and no one really knows what next week, next month or next school year will look like. I can assure you that I have been hard at work figuring out the plans for school. I have been participating in numerous programs with many other Jewish educators who are sharing thoughts and ideas with deep thinking, care and concern. I am working closely with the Rabbi, along with the School Committee, teachers, parents and other educators. We are coming up with some new and creative ways of continuing to share learning experiences with each other. We will create a program that meets our temple’s mission statement with a strong commitment to education. Though it will look a little different, I am really excited for next year. Plans will be shared with you as soon as possible.

If you are unsure about your plans for next year due to circumstances, please contact me. I would be happy to engage in conversations around different ideas for next year and to hear what you are thinking about for the Jewish education of your children. Let’s work together to create the best possible experience that we can.

It is important that you work with your student to incorporate Hebrew Practice into your summer routines. All the students worked so hard this past school year with their Hebrew and I was really proud of all the growth and development. Students that finished Kitah Aleph should have received some summer Hebrew Practice sheets.  Other practice sheets for Bet and Gimel can be downloaded here. Dalet students should have plenty to do with preparation for becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

It is really important for each student to take some time this summer each week to review their Hebrew.They will lose their knowledge of Hebrew without practice over the summer. I encourage you to sit with your child for 10 minutes a day, three days a week and have him or her practice reading Hebrew.

Finally, depending on the response that is received, we are hoping to offer some Summer Programming for all ages with fun activities, ideas and experiences to keep everyone connected this summer. Please check your inbox for new and exciting programs as the days move along this summer.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at any time.

Have a great summer!
