Some Happy News, for a Change…
May 2020 Keeping Connected
It has been a crazy, complicated month. Sometimes it feels like every day is the same and it is hard to remember what day of the week it is. But, with everything going on, we have been working together to ensure our temple remains a significant part of our lives, whether it be through the virtual services, the story times, the caring group, committee meetings, and congregational meetings. We had a record 91 people at the Special Meeting on April 19!! That clearly demonstrates the importance of Congregation Shalom to this community.
I want this newsletter article to deliver some happy news, for a change. It is always a happy time when we can recognize our Congregants of the Year. This year, the awards are going to Larry Cohen and Cory Myers. I cannot think of two more deserving people and I have had the personal opportunity to work with each of these individuals. Both are extremely passionate about the work they do for our temple, Larry with the House Committee and Cory with the Finance Committee. We will hear more about their accomplishments when we are together to celebrate these awards. We normally would celebrate the Congregants of the Year at our Installation Shabbat in mid-June. Although there are no definite plans yet, it is unlikely we will be ready to convene in mid-June. We are currently planning to celebrate these awards during our High Holidays when we are hopefully all back together, something else that will also be worth celebrating. In the meantime, I strongly encourage you to please reach out and congratulate Larry ( and Cory (!
Don’t forget to mark your calendar for Annual Meeting on June 9, 6:30 PM. More information will be coming soon.
Stay well.