Together We Are Stronger

Keeping Connected  June 2019 

Dear Friends,

This is my last newsletter article as the temple’s president, and I’m tempted to write about what the experience has meant to me, how thankful I am for the support that has been offered to me, the personal growth I’ve experienced, and what will come next for me at Congregation Shalom. But I won’t indulge that, because this column is not about me. It is a place to talk about our temple. So, I will write about some things I’ve learned about our temple in my time as president.

Here is what I know about Congregation Shalom. We have many people in our community who are willing to work hard year after year to transform plans and visions into reality. That is huge! Our belief in the importance of what we do, the value of what we provide to the Jews in this area – this is the motivation to keep going and to move forward.

I am filled with an appreciation of our temple that I only found by diving into the deep end. I am inspired by what I see within our walls. The love and respect of over 150 people who came to honor Rabbi Perry after her twenty years at our synagogue was beautiful to see. The synergy of the committee that worked together to plan the details of that evening was a joy to be a part of. The passion of members who care deeply, whether about social justice, our building, or our children, is infectious. The warmth of the women at a Sisterhood Retreat to their sisters is special. The list goes on.

I have been exposed to some degree to nearly all of what happens here. You don’t have to be president to find new ways to get involved. I hope you will be on the lookout and see what we offer that suits you. There are many and varied ways for people to connect, and I hope that each of our members looks for the openings that suit them best. It may be music, or services, or learning, or food, or friendship. Each of us is a vital piece of who Congregation Shalom is.

When you join with us, you make us stronger.

Joanna Myers