Keeping Connected with our Ed Director
The Loom in the Lobby!
November 2022 Keeping Connected
Have you seen the loom in the lobby? During the past few weeks, the loom and the table have generated many questions and interest from our community.
For our tzedakah project, we will be donating all collected money to an organization called Mayan Hands. ( “Mayan Hands Foundation is a fair trade, non-profit organization dedicated to providing economic and educational opportunities to Mayan women and girls, so that they can bring their families out of extreme poverty and, at the same time, continue to live within the culture they cherish.” Mayan Hands invests in the next generation by providing scholarships and other education programs to indigenous girls in Guatemala.”More
What are your “Jew-wishes?”
October 2022 Keeping Connected
We have had a smooth and successful start to the new school year. It has been joyful to see the students and teachers and families in the building, reconnecting, laughing and finding their place in the temple and all that it has to offer. As you know, the way the calendar worked out this year, we had a few weeks of school and then a break for the High Holidays.
This break and beginning to a new year seem like an appropriate time to take a moment to think about the future. How would you respond if asked, “What are your “Jew – wishes” from Congregation Shalom?” If you took some time to sit back and think about what you hope your children get from Religious School, Hebrew School and membership in our temple community, how would you respond?More
Welcome to the new school year!
September 2022 Keeping Connected
Welcome to September! I hope you can all look back on a fun, restful and an exciting summer as we all forge ahead to a new school year. I am excited to begin another year at Congregation Shalom and I hope you are too. There are some new ideas and curriculum in place for the coming year, the restoring of some traditions that have taken a covid hiatus, the continuation of some tried and true experiences and the return of familiar faces and the joy of reconnecting with your temple community.
As you may know, the first day of Religious School will be on Sunday, September 11, 2022 in the parking lot. There has been such a great response from so many of our school parking lot activities that we are excited to continue that covid tradition and bring it into our school regularly. The difference is that is the weather does not cooperate, we can easily bring our plans into the building. On September 11 we invite students and families to join together to reconnect with each other and to meet and greet your teachers for the year (both Religious and Hebrew School teachers.) Students and families will also have some time to engage in some welcoming activities and catch up with old friends and meet new friends. A separate note will come out with the exact plans for our opening day!More
Coming Soon: A New School Year! Hebrew Practice SUMMER FUN NIGHT – you won’t want to miss out!
August 2022 Keeping Connected
We are in the middle of the summer break. What could she possibly have to say?! Read ahead to hear a little bit about plans for the new school year, the importance of practicing Hebrew and our first Summer Fun Night!
School Year 2022/2023
As of this writing, we are planning on holding Sunday classes in the building. There are many things that we learned from the pandemic and a lot of protocols will remain in place to ensure the safest and healthiest environment possible. Details about all this will be forthcoming. Our Wednesday Hebrew program will remain hybrid, in the sense that some students will meet for Hebrew in person and some students will attend class through Zoom. You will receive information about your specific plans.More
Thank You For a Successful Year (and some advice from 7th graders)
June 2022 Keeping Connected
We did it! We have reached the end of another successful school year. No words can express my gratitude and pride for all the students, teachers and families that have worked together this year to allow us the joy of the school year. You will have a chance to express your gratitude at the Teacher Appreciation Shabbat which is scheduled for June 10 at 7pm! It is also our Graduation service, in which we will be hearing from some of our 12th graders before they continue on with their own journeys and all that lies ahead for them. Please plan to attend this special Shabbat and please consider bringing a nut-free food to share for the oneg.
I am also so excited and proud to let everyone know that we surpassed our tzedakah goal for this year. As of this writing, we collected $1009.50 in cash and another $1665 in gift cards, all of which will support the refugees from Afghanistan through the work of the International Institute of New England. Check out the truck full of goods in the photo!
The last day of Sunday school brought with it great joy and enthusiasm in the building. Families joined in on their children’s classes for lots of end of the year wrap ups. It was a spirited atmosphere in the building. You could hear the K-2 class singing out loud and strong to “Do a Mitzvah.” The 3rd graders celebrated their completion of their first year of Hebrew with the Siyyum HaSefer service and the receiving their own personalized prayer book. The 4th graders recreated the many bible stories that they explored this year by creating an awesome timeline mural. The 5th graders hosted an awesome prophet museum, showcasing some of the information they learned this year.The 6th graders recalled 10 things they learned this year and also had the Torah passed down to them. For the 7th graders, it was bittersweet, as they passed the Torah down to the rising 7th graders for next year, shared their ketubah gallery and had their last Sunday morning class in the building! (7th graders can come back on Sundays as madrichim!)
The last day of Hebrew School included teachers and students wrapping up the year with different games, activities and treats! All well-deserved after a year of lots of Hebrew learning.
The 7th graders did offer some advice to the incoming 7th graders, as the rising 7th graders begin their year of becoming B’nai Mitzvah. Here is their advice for practicing Hebrew:
- When you practice, have a goal set for your practice session.
- Don’t wait until the last minute to learn your Hebrew.
- Study, study, study.
- When you are reviewing, review the spots you messed up.
- Pace yourself so you don’t get overwhelmed.
- Do extra practice on the prayers you don’t know.
- Review old prayers.
- Try to have fun during all this Hebrew practicing. It is worth it!
Thank you to everyone for working together this year to create an environment of learning and laughter, community and care, and friendship and fun.
I hope to see you all on June 10 for the Teacher Appreciation Shabbat.
With gratitude,
June Schedule
Remember to practice Hebrew several times a week during the summer months.
Friday, June 10 – Teacher Appreciation/Graduation Shabbat
- 7pm
- Please bring a nut-free oneg item to share
Saturday, June 18 – Temple Parking Lot Party
- Children’s activities begin at 4:30pm
- RSVP if you are planning on attending –
Planning for the Next Year
May 2022. Keeping Connected
Time flies when you are having fun and this year seems to have gone by very quickly! We have a jam-packed month of classes, services, special ceremonies and Shabbats as we finish up a successful school year at Congregation Shalom. Please take time to look at the schedule at the end of this letter. In addition, individual classes will be inviting families to join the class to mark the end of the year, so stay tuned for more information coming your way regarding your participation in some end of the year plans.
As we finish up this year, we begin to think about next year. Registration packets for the 2022/2023 Religious and Hebrew School year will be sent out at the beginning of May. Please fill them out and return them before June 1. It is really important for us to have as much information as possible as we spend the summer planning for the new school year. So much of what we need to do is based on enrollment.
When thinking about your children and next year, here are some things for you to know. When students are in third grade, they begin their formal Hebrew studies at Congregation Shalom. We have found success for the past few years with offering Hebrew School for the third graders for an hour on Sunday mornings, following Religious School. As of now, these are the plans for next year so if you have a rising 3rd grader you can plan on school on Sunday mornings from 8:30am-11:30am. Fifth graders move to the second session. If you have rising 5th graders, you can plan on then attending school on Sundays from 10:30am-12:30pm.
Hebrew School for 4th – 7th graders will continue to be held on Wednesday afternoons and while the exact plans for Hebrew School are still in the planning stages, you are asked to put aside Wednesdays from 4pm-6pm for Hebrew School time.
We will miss our current 7th graders on Sundays and Wednesday afternoons, but look forward to them joining our Wednesday evening Chai School program. Chai Schoolers gather around 6:00pm for pizza and socializing before heading off to learn about unique and interesting topics each year. The Chai School students enjoy their time together, continuing their friendships with their classmates, engaging in thoughtful topics and learning new skills.
Our current 10th graders will move on to Post Confirmation which meets once a month with Rabbi Perry. Together the 11th and 12th graders meet each month to engage in discussions surrounding current events, Judaism and other topics of interest and relevance to their lives. They often meet over a plate of homemade brownies!
As we finish up this year, we will continue to collect tzedakah to help out the refugees from Afghanistan. Your kindness and generosity have been appreciated all year. We are still a little more than $100 shy of our goal for this year, so continue to keep calm and tzedakah on!
As always, continue to encourage your students to practice their Hebrew at home, offer Jewish experiences at home and make the word a better place.
With gratitude, Deborah
May Schedule
Sunday, May 1 – Religious School
- Preschool
- K – 7th, regular times
- 6th grade Kallah
Wednesday, May 4
- Hebrew School
- Chai School
Friday, May 6 – Shabbat at 7pm, led by the 4th graders. All are encouraged to attend.
Sunday, May 8 – NO Religious School – Happy Mother’s Day!
Wednesday, May 11
- Hebrew School
- Chai School
- Post Confirmation
Sunday, May 15 – Religious School
- NO Preschool
- K – 7th
- Shacharit at 10:15 for 3rd – 7th
- Siyyum HaSefer for 3rd graders – 10:15am
Wednesday, May 18
- Hebrew School
- Chai School – Last day
Friday, May 20 – Confirmation Shabbat at 7pm, all are encouraged to attend
Sunday, May 22 – Last Day of Religious School
- Preschool
- K – 7th
- Torah Passing Ceremony at 10:30am
Wednesday, May 25
- Hebrew School – Last Day
Mark your calendars for Friday, June 10 at 7:00pm for TEACHER APPRECIATION and GRADUATION!
Let’s join together to share our appreciation for all the wonderfulness of the teachers and graduates!