Keeping Connected with our Ed Director
We Want Your Thoughts
April 2022. Keeping Connected
We have rounded the corner and the end is in sight! Time flies when you are having fun and we have been having lots of fun this year, but we are getting closer to the end of the year. The last two months are just as important as the rest of the year so please support your students to finish out the year strong. It is tempting as the weather gets nicer and sports and other events kick in to easily skip Religious or Hebrew School. Please think about the decisions you are choosing and do not forget about the importance of your students’ Jewish education and Jewish experiences.
We are already thinking about plans for next year and would love your input. As of now, it looks like Religious School on Sundays will be back fully in person, without remote links. During these last few weeks, all the teachers have been embracing the in-person opportunities to explore more hands on and experiential learning with the students, something that is very difficult to do virtually. In addition, it has been a good few months really working to reconnect as whole class communities. We have some work to make up in that area due to the pandemic, but the teachers have been creating various experiences to engage the whole class together and we have seen some really positive results.More
March 2022 Keeping Connected
At the end of January (right after I wrote last month’s article,) the Religious School gathered (on Zoom) for two exciting programs centered around the idea of tzedakah. Kindergarten through 4th grade students gathered for a morning of TZEDAKAH! The students talked about the meaning of the word tzedakah (justice and fairness,) watched a short video about giving, heard a story about filling up the tzedakah box and sang songs. Each student found a tzedakah box, or something that can work like a tzedakah box from their home and were given the challenge to fill up their home tzedakah box. The second session students (grades 5th -7th) were given the opportunity to hear from a member from the International Institute of New England, to learn more about the refugee resettlement program and to get a better understanding of how the money we collect this year will be used to help the refugees from Afghanistan to resettle in our local communities. They thought about the experiences of refugees and considered what things would be essential to have as one resettles, what would be nice to have and what would be special to have. The older students also grabbed a tzedakah box from their home and were given the same challenge to fill it up. On March 6, all the students are being asked to bring their home tzedakah boxes (hopefully filled up) to Religious School in the morning for the Tzedakah Challenge, a little friendly competition between the first and second sessions, to see who can bring in the most money! One of the students asked what the winner will receive. The answer was that the refugees are the winners in this challenge! (That answer actually satisfied the questioning student!) I encourage you to support your student with this fun Tzedakah Challenge and continue supporting the tzedakah project for the rest of the year.More
Passing the Halfway Mark
February 2022 Keeping Connected
January leads us around the corner into the second half of the school year. By this time, families with students in Kitah Bet, Gimel and Dalet (4th, 5th and 6th grade) should have already received a quick progress write up of your student and their Hebrew progress. Families in Kitah Hey (7th grade) can continue to reach out to Rabbi Perry at any time. Families with students in grades Kindergarten through 7th grade have also had the opportunity to conference with your students’ teachers on Zoom to hear about how they are doing in Religious School on Sundays (and in Kitah Aleph!) Preschool families can continue to communicate with Morah Lauren at any time. If you were unable to conference on Zoom with your teacher and you would still like to, please reach out to either me or the teacher to set up a time to talk.More
A Morning in the Life of Religious School
January 2022 Keeping Connected
This year, due to covid restrictions, we are not having a lot of people in our temple building while school is in session. We all miss the hubbub of families dropping off and picking up, milling about in the lobby and peeking into classes to see what is going on each morning. Since you can’t be in the building, this month’s article will bring the action and excitement to you!
Our morning begins with students being dropped off along the curb for school. Many students stop and add money to the tzedakah collection before heading into the building. I hear parents shouting “Have a good morning,” “I love you,” and “See you soon.” I heard one parent ask their child, through the car window, if they had their snack and the student responded “I ate it on the way to school!” (We hooked her up with another snack to eat outside during class time.) Students eagerly enter the building, meet up with their classmates and begin a morning of learning, laughter and energy.
Our preschool class meets several times a month. The class of our youngest students is fast paced and full of activity. There is always book reading, song singing, crafting and often a creative food component (sometimes made and always eaten outside!) On one particular day recently, the children were gathered around Morah Lauren and her madricha on the rug all looking at and listening to a story of Jonah and the Whale. One child noticed a very big boat and a connection to Noah’s Ark was made. The class had a fun time making Jonah and the Whale out of graham crackers, blue frosting and goldfish. You had to look at them quickly before they were gobbled up, just like Jonah!More
Practice, Practice, Practice
December 2021 Keeping Connected
A person was walking through New York City and stop another person in the street to ask “How do I get to Carnegie Hall?”
The second person responded with “Practice, practice, practice.”
The theory of learning a second language runs on a similar theory. Practice helps you get better. Practice leads to comfort. Practice leads to more fluency. You probably try really hard to get your children to sports practices. You probably encourage them to practice a musical instrument at home. Similar to these scenarios, language learning needs practice. Revisiting what is taught in Hebrew School reinforces their long-term learning and leads to better retention and maximizes their learning potential. Just attending Hebrew class each week is not enough to allow your children to progress with their Hebrew. The good news is that practicing Hebrew at home only needs 10-15 minutes a day, a few days a week.
As your children grow and develop, they access prior learning and foundations to move forward with their continued learning. They use what they have already been exposed to and build on it each week. When your children begin the formal work of preparing for their actual Bar/Bat Mitzvah, they are required to practice several times a week in order to be ready to become a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. If they are already in the habit of practicing regularly at home, it makes this requirement go a lot more smoothly. The journey to the bima should be paved with Hebrew practice starting in the younger grades!
How can you help your student practice Hebrew at home?
- Do not make it a chore. Try to refrain from telling your children how much you dreaded learning Hebrew. Do not use it as a punishment. Try to make Hebrew practice fun and light hearted.
- Give your student an audience. Encourage them to practice so that you can listen. Have them read for ten minutes out loud while you are driving, folding laundry, or preparing dinner. The more the students read out loud, the more comfort they will develop.
- Do not worry if they are making mistakes. The teachers/madrichim will help with correcting mistakes.
- You do not need to know how to read Hebrew to support your student. Support them in their efforts. Encourage them with their work. If you would like the transliterations of any of the Hebrew prayers and blessings, please ask me and I will help you access them.
- If you do want to follow along, there are many prayers in the Prayer Books that have transliterations. Have your child read Hebrew and you can follow along with the transliterations.
- Help your child keep their Hebrew books and folders neat and organized and accessible, with easy access to the different resource sheets that might be helpful while practicing.
- Make Hebrew reading fun. Have your student read to a pet. Have them read to grandma or grandpa over the phone or on Zoom. Have them reach out to a classmate for a little one on one Hebrew practice before playing together.
- Attend Shabbat services on Friday nights (in person or live streamed) to allow them to find meaning in the the prayers in a service.
- Access the chanting of the prayers on the temple’s website to allow your student to become more familiar with the tunes and melodies. Many times I have suggested to students to play the chanting clips while making their bed or brushing their teeth. Familiarity with the prayers and blessings will add more comfort. (It is just like listening to the same song over and over again.)
- Prioritize your students Hebrew class time and their time working with their Hebrew madrich/madrichim.
- Some families find that having a Homework Chart works well. Help your student keep track of the days spent practicing at home. Share the chart with me or your Hebrew teacher for kudos and maybe even a little prize.
- Feel free to talk to me about ways to help your student at home.
We are so fortunate at Congregation Shalom to have such an enthusiastic group of teachers and Hebrew madrichim to help with your students Hebrew learning. The continued support of Hebrew practice at home will help to create a well-rounded language learning experience and will help to develop strong and eager Hebrew readers! Thank you in advance for your support in helping your student to practice their Hebrew at home.
Wishing you all a Happy Hanukkah and a joyful season,
Schedule for December
Wednesday, December 1 – Hebrew School
- Hebrew School – remote and in-person according to schedule
- Kitah Hey – 4:15pm-6pm in temple
- 6:30pm – BIG Menorah Lighting outside the temple
Thursday, December 2
- 6:30pm – BIG Menorah Lighting outside the temple
Friday, December 3
- Family Shabbat at 7:00pm (led by the 7th graders,) all are invited
- 6:30pm – BIG Menorah Lighting outside the temple
Saturday, December 4 – 10:30am
- 6:30pm – BIG Menorah Lighting outside the temple
Sunday, December 5
- Hanukkah Party in the Parking Lot
- Family Event for all to join in the celebration – 10am-12pm
- This is class for the day
- Bring a gift card (Walmart, Amazon, Target, Market Basket) to donate to the refugee settling in our area from Afghanistan
- 6:30pm – BIG Menorah Lighting outside the temple
Wednesday, December 8
- Hebrew School – remote and in-person according to schedule
- Kitah Hey – 4:15pm-6pm in temple
Friday, December 10
- Shalomites Creative Service – this is always a fun service with lots of music, come join and support the Shalomites as they lead the congregation at 6pm
Sunday, December 12 – Religious School
- K-4th – 8:30m-10:15am
- 5th – 7th – 10:30am – 12:30pm
- 6th grade family ed – 10:30am – 12:30pm
Wednesday, December 15
- Hebrew School – remote and in-person according to schedule
- Kitah Hey – 4:15pm-6pm in temple
- Post Confirmation – 6:30pm – 8:00pm (Pizza at 6pm)
Sunday, December 19 – Religious School – Shacharit Service
- PreSchool – 8:30am – 10:15am
- K – 2 – 8:30am-10:15am
- 3rd grade – 8:30am-11:30am
- 4th grade- 8:30am – 10:45am
- 5th – 7th – 10:15am – 12:30pm
Wednesday, December 22
- Hebrew School – remote and in-person according to schedule
- Kitah Hey – 4:15pm-6pm in temple
Sunday, December 26 – NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL
Wednesday, December 29 – NO HEBREW SCHOOL
Sunday, January 2, 2022 – NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL
Wednesday, January 5 – BACK IN SESSION with Hebrew School
Let’s Fill Up the Truck This Year!
November 2021 Keeping Connected
Have you seen the awesome Tzedakah Chart that sits outside the temple at drop off and pick up? Due to continued restrictions of Covid19, we have moved the weekly tzedakah collection outside each week!
This year’s goal is to fill up the truck with various items needed for Afghan refugees to settle into our community. As you may know, through amazing efforts from the International Institute of New England (IINE), many families from Afghanistan are resettling in our surrounding communities. Working with the IINE, we are collecting money this year that will help purchase various items needed to resettle into a new community. This topic has been discussed with many of the students and we will continue exploring ideas around being refugees and resettling throughout the year. Some of the students have shared some of their own thoughts and ideas and have begun to create a list of items that people would need to resettle into a community when they come from a different place without anything. I have been blown away by the student’s empathy and understanding of this situation. They have given it serious thought when creating the list of items. The items that they have thought up will be the basis for our collection this year and will help us fill up the truck. Images of the different items will be added to our tzedakah chart and when enough money is donated, the item will be moved into the truck. For example, once we collect $25, we will be able to put a bag of groceries in the truck. Our goal is to collect $1000 this year and to fill the truck up with many different necessities. This year, we are collecting both money and gift cards that will help the refugees settle into their new homes.More